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Choose your pricing plan
四季滅蟲 Quarterly Plan
5,400HK$General Pest Control - Quarterly 一年四次的滅蟲方案 (Customised)Valid for 12 months- 每3個月一次的一般滅蟲服務 Pest control service every 3 months
- 項目包括:蟑螂、螞蟻、甲蟲、蟎蟲、蚊蠅 Cockroaches, Mites, Mosquitoes & Flies
- 購買此方案將免除上門檢查費(原價$500)
- Buying this plan will waive the $500 inspection fee
- 有效期12個月共四次服務 Valid for 12 months, included service x 4 times
- 贈送4次消毒塗層服務 4 times x Disinfection Coating service for FREE
- *Two services must conduct at the same time 以上服務須同時進行
For Small Business
1,000HK$Every month中小企滅蟲服務 Business General Pest Control (600 - 1000 ft2)- 每月一次一般滅蟲服務 Monthly Pest Control Services
- 專為小商戶而設 Perfect for small business
- 維持你的環境衞生 Maintain your environment pest-free
- 蚊,蠅,蟑螂,螞蟻,甲蟲 Mosquitos, Flies, Cockroaches, Beatles
消毒Monthly Protection
600HK$Every month長效消毒塗層預防病毒 (600呎以下) Surface Shields Disinfection (<600ft2)- 每月一次消毒塗層服務,30天有效殺滅病毒細菌
- Monthly Surface Shields disinfection coating service
- 長效保護 Long-term disinfection for your workplace
- 每月付款,可隨時取消訂閱計劃 Pay monthly, cancel any time
- 為家居及小企業而設(600呎以下)For surface area below 600ft2
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